First off let me start by saying

Yes, yes... I wish you all happiness, luck and...more...happiness? :/
So, Let me update this blog. Actually, before I begin, I'll need to apologize for leaving this blog in the dark. I've been so busy with everything, i have completely ignored my poor blog. I mean, I haven't even updated Sooky Sooky! So here's my update. *knock knock* is anyone still there reading? o.O
College is NOT ova -.-
So when I went back to school to check on graduation dates, turns out one of the courses I took didn't really contribute any points to my GPA, and I had some free electives outstanding. For those of you who don't know what free electives are, they're just classes that you can take to make up your GPA. The good news is that I get to take all the classes i've wanted to take for a while now. Like the Philosophy of Sex >.> Either way, thats the only UPSIDE of this whole thing. I have to pay the tuition myself, pay back student loans and all other things. So yea, that's it for school. >.>
Social life
I've been dating...AGAIN. So I know the last time I was telling you about a fella. Turns out that fella was a damn toad, and liked sleeping with strippers in the apartment downstairs. BLEH. To the men out there who choose to treat a good woman like shit, GO FUCK YOURSELF. Seriously. Like, up the butt.
This guy, this guy Ben. Oh man...completely different from the type of guy i'm used to. And i can definitely see myself completely and utterly in love with him. Don't get me wrong, I dont know if I'm in love yet. But i can see it, and im open to it. So yea, we're taking it one day at a time.
Currently, I'm in Conyers, Georgia and it is FREEZING! Dear Jesus, why is it just trying to pay my tuition and student loans back. ANNNDDD that's my financial situation. I feel like I've grown so much. I've decided to make decisions based on priorities and not things that I want.
So my question is, do you have any questions for me? I'll answer anything. except dirty ones. I aint telling you squat :P
Here's a recent photo:
Yes, yes... I wish you all happiness, luck and...more...happiness? :/
So, Let me update this blog. Actually, before I begin, I'll need to apologize for leaving this blog in the dark. I've been so busy with everything, i have completely ignored my poor blog. I mean, I haven't even updated Sooky Sooky! So here's my update. *knock knock* is anyone still there reading? o.O
College is NOT ova -.-
So when I went back to school to check on graduation dates, turns out one of the courses I took didn't really contribute any points to my GPA, and I had some free electives outstanding. For those of you who don't know what free electives are, they're just classes that you can take to make up your GPA. The good news is that I get to take all the classes i've wanted to take for a while now. Like the Philosophy of Sex >.> Either way, thats the only UPSIDE of this whole thing. I have to pay the tuition myself, pay back student loans and all other things. So yea, that's it for school. >.>
Social life
I've been dating...AGAIN. So I know the last time I was telling you about a fella. Turns out that fella was a damn toad, and liked sleeping with strippers in the apartment downstairs. BLEH. To the men out there who choose to treat a good woman like shit, GO FUCK YOURSELF. Seriously. Like, up the butt.
This guy, this guy Ben. Oh man...completely different from the type of guy i'm used to. And i can definitely see myself completely and utterly in love with him. Don't get me wrong, I dont know if I'm in love yet. But i can see it, and im open to it. So yea, we're taking it one day at a time.
Currently, I'm in Conyers, Georgia and it is FREEZING! Dear Jesus, why is it just trying to pay my tuition and student loans back. ANNNDDD that's my financial situation. I feel like I've grown so much. I've decided to make decisions based on priorities and not things that I want.
So my question is, do you have any questions for me? I'll answer anything. except dirty ones. I aint telling you squat :P
Here's a recent photo: