Now now, going to college, getting my bachelor's and master's, get rich, get married and have babies then get old are some of my goals in my life. So when I was planning to go to Georgia State University, and i was all excited, like "fuck yea!!! college, my life has finally begun!" Then my father and I got into an argument, and I realised, I will never ever get along with him, so I'll just stay in Jamaica. I applied for UWI (Carimac), and did my entrance test and TADA! I got in ^_^ So I picked up my package, gave in my financial docs and other things from about July 9th, and the lady at the front desk said "Expect an email with information." So I waited, checked my email 10 million times a day, didn't get 1. Called August 15th, was told that she had no idea what email I was talking about, that she was absolutely clueless and that if I had given in all documents I should go to Orientation on the 20th of August. So I'm confused.
I go there today to find out everything's alright and that orientation is MONDAY THE 23RD. wtf? what the hell is wrong with you people? Make up your damn mind, fuck!
so here's what i have to say to uwi, even though i'm attending, ur customer service are clueless boobs and yuh too drawbatty. so here's what i've got to say;
go mash up the place ma'am!!
ReplyDeletefudge yea!